Ph.D. Department of Engineering, Hokkaido University, in 1998
M.A. Department of Physical Therapy, New York University, in 1992
B.S. Department of Physical Therapy, College of Medical Technology, Hokkaido University, in
・2022/4- Present Visiting Professor of TOHOKU University
・2015/4- Present Professor of Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University of Science
・2019/4-present Senior program advisor of Institute of Gerontology/ Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo.
・2015/4- 2019/3 Present Professor of Institute of Gerontology, The University of Tokyo
・2008/3- 2015/3 Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,
The University of Tokyo.
・2006/4 - 2008/2 Professor, School of Design, Department of Design, Sapporo City University, Sapporo, Japan.
・2003 Visiting Researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
・1992/9 – 2006/3 Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Sapporo Medical University, Japan.
・1984/5 – 1990/8 Physical Therapist, Department of Rehabilitation, Sapporo Medical University Hospital, Sapporo, Japan.
Our group, for over 30 years, has conducted Pathological Kinesiology, Ergonomics, and Assistive and Rehabilitation Engineering-related studies on posture and gait in patients with a central nervous system disease and the elderly. Our studies during the period have consistently been focused on assistive engineering techniques and technologies that support those with age-related motor or sensory impairments in clinical practice. In particular, we have analyzed the mechanism of posture control by sensory stimuli and applied our findings in rehabilitation therapies in hospitals and other clinical settings. Specific examples of our study are as follows. 1) Study on Balance Training Using Sensory Feedback in the Elderly. The study, a collaboration by industry, government and academia, yielded the practical application of a medical device for upright balance test training and paved the way to its commercialization. 2) Study on a Daily Living Training System for Those with Spatial Neglect due to Higher Brain Dysfunction. This study aimed to eliminate the barriers to patients with a visuospatial cognitive disorder who have a disability in walking or operating a wheelchair. It analyzed symptoms of hemispatial neglect using 3D visual displays based on the virtual reality technology and pioneered rehabilitation techniques.
Other track records include Industry-Government-Academia Collaborative Research to Meet Local Community Needs. Supported primarily by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and the Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, such research has contributed to the practical use and commercialization of a large number of assistive devices such as an one-touch cane for frozen pavement, a backache-preventive snow plow, fatigue-reducing agriculture tools and mobility/transfer assistive equipment developed in joint research with the Hokkaido Research Organization’s Industrial Research Institute. Additionally, joint research (development and commercialization of a respiratory training mask for healthy, elderly and disabled individuals) with the Hokkaido Research Organization’s Industrial Research Institute, Hokkaido Industrial Technology Center and small and medium‐sized businesses in Hakodate has been ongoing since 2012. As described above, our laboratory has conducted pathological (clinical) kinesiology, ergonomics, and rehabilitation/assistive engineering-related studies on assisting posture and gait, among other daily living activities, in the elderly, disabled and patients. Meanwhile, through a network among the representative of this laboratory and researchers in other areas of study, cross-disciplinary studies have also taken place.