The Japanese Physical Therapy Association, Membership, 1984- Present

The Rehabilitation Engineering Society of JAPAN (RESJA), Membership, 1990- Present

The Virtual Reality Society of Japan, Membership, 1997- Present

Japan Ergonomics Society (JES), Membership, 2005- Present

Reviewer of Grants-in-Aid for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 2009- Present

Technical advisor of Japan Science and Technology Agency. 2010- Present

Reviewer of fund for Practical Application of University R&D Results under the Matching Fund Method (R&D) by The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) in Japan. 2001- Present

Board of Councilor, The Japanese Society for Fall Prevention. 2014- Present


Board of Director, The Japanese Society for Wellbeing Science and Assistive Technology.2016- Present